
What you need to know about Sunscreen (Part 1)

Posted by Deb Oxley on Jun 13th 2015

With summer upon us, most of us pack up for a day at the beach or the pool, and dutifully grab a bottle or two of our sunscreen(s) of choice. But you might want to think about what exactly factored into that choice? Was it price? Or convenience? Or maybe it was an ad in a magazine or a billboard. But.. Let's be clear.  All sunscreens are definitely NOT created equal! Think about this... your skin is your largest organ who's main function is not only bodily barrier protection and system cooling, but is also your largest organ of elimination and uptake.

And what you put on your incredibly precious skin really does matter! Have you turned your bottle of sunscreen around and looked at the ingredients on the label? This is something most people neglect to do and yet is the single most important information about any product we put into or on our bodies. You see, that unpronounceable chemical stew often contains a lot of stuff that literally gets into, and even under your skin!  Depending on permeability and particle size, some of these scary toxins can even make it to your bloodstream, and get transported throughout your body. 

Once upon a time even I (considering my line of work) never gave much thought to sunscreen.. beyond it's ability to prevent a burn, but a life-threatening allergic reaction to a 50+ SPF baby! sunscreen on the part of my 8 y/o son (applied by a well-meaning camp counselor) changed all that. The fact is, most commercial sunscreens contain some extremely questionable ingredients, many of which have been implicated in certain cancers. This is too big of a topic to cover in one small blog, but if this topic interests you, don't take our word for it..begin doing your own investigative research. ( is a good place to start).

Our own research led us to develop our SunProtect SPF30+, which is 100% non-toxic and all-natural mineral barrier protection. We are proud to say you will be able to pronounce and understand every last ingredient on our label!  With a concentration of over 20% micronized (but NOT nano-particulated) Zinc Oxide, when applied consistently and allowed to dry before getting in the water, this is the safest, most effective sunscreen available. Utilizing micronization, we have overcome the problem of diaper rash ointment like pasty sunscreens that leave you looking like a ghost. With skin nourishing shea butter and steam distilled essential oils and soothing botanicals, our SunProtect is actually good for your skin, leaving it in better condition after a day poolside than before. Stay tuned for Part 2 of this topic coming later this week to find out more about why Teva Skin Science's SunProtect 30+ keeps winning awards and editor picks!